What is anal fissure?
Fissure is tear in the lining that originate in the area of the anal sphincter produced by its hypertonia.
They are produced by many factors, such as stress, sedentary life, constipation or prolonged diarrhoea, postpartum or parallel causes.
Fissures are distinguished by severe pain that usually appears after bowel movements. They have, like haemorrhoids, calm and highly aggressive periods .
If you ask people who suffer flare up of anal fissure what they feel, they say they feel like a sharp pain so intense that it paralyzes them . They even stop eating because they do not want to go to the bathroom, as the pain after the bowel movement is unbearable.
Another drawback and great unknown of fissures is that during to the body's continuous attempt to seal the fissure naturally sentinel haemorrhoids may appear due to the growth of tissue or in some cases, the possibility of the appearance of fistulas requiring a more complex treatment or surgical intervention.
How can fissures be treated?
Conventional treatments are based on topical treatments or surgery .
Topical treatments are usually creams that can sometimes cause side effects, they are not definitive, they have a temporarily effect .
Surgical treatments are based on sectioning the sphincter, and do not guarantee healing nor creation of other fissures, recovery can be very long and can leave irreversible side effects.
It is well known in medicine that the surgery should be the last resort to treat the patient and after research of all other possible treatments, since it is very complicated process and the success rate of surgery is not always guaranteed, and in addition there is the possibility that fissure may reappear in a short period of time.
With Neurolysis we eliminate the tear in the lining of anus by an ambulatory treatment so the patient leaves the treatment room and is able to carry out a normal daily life and toilet needs.
We apply a small amount of local anastatic to avoid pain and then a local treatment that causes the fissure to heal immediately , achieving 80% of the cure in the first session.
The patient can leave by his own foot and go to the bathroom with practically no discomfort as the treatment does not generate any side effects.
Recovery is so fast that even the patient feels a massive improvement, since the pain goes from being unbearable to almost no pain at all. As a consequence, the patient feels free of pain and discomfort improving the well-being overall.
As there is no surgery involved, there aren't any complications, there is no postoperative or recovery period.
We can solve the problem immediately without surgery
We make it EASY for the patient with a SIMPLE treatment to achieve a FAST IMPROVEMENT .